Monday, August 4, 2008

Blogspot woo

about damn time woot woot.
i know right.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys, I noticed you said my name on the show and I'm writing to say thanks. Also writing to say that it's prenounced Gavin as in " Have in". Apparentely Matt Groening and David X Cohen have high hopes and good ideas for new episodes. But it's all down to DVD sales of "Into the Wild Green Yonder" so tell all the listeners of your show to buy another copy. Thanks alot for Reading . Samuel Gavin. P.S: Please try to make more episodes less then a month. Like when you did three episodes in one week in December.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, I noticed you said my name on the show and I'm writing to say thanks. Also writing to say that it's prenounced Gavin as in " Have in". Apparentely Matt Groening and David X Cohen have high hopes and good ideas for new episodes. But it's all down to DVD sales of "Into the Wild Green Yonder" so tell all the listeners of your show to buy another copy. Thanks alot for Reading . Samuel Gavin. P.S: Please try to make more episodes less then a month. Like when you did three episodes in one week in December.